O&K L20

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O&K L20 van WaterDeutzer

O&K L20 | Picture made by WaterDeutzer

We write January 6, 1989, the big date of signing transfer of contracting company. Until then, that company had been built up since 1954 by my father and my uncle. Around my birth, employee Gerard de Goede joined the company. A few years in advance of this transfer, he became co-shareholder/director in the BV, with which Pa and Uncle Dirk reduced their share from 1/2 to 1/3 per man. The plan was to transfer the machine rental branch (cranes/shovel) to Gerard de Goede and to combine the agricultural work with (new) mechanization work himself, with the help of dad. The main reason for me was that my heart was not in earthmoving and in agriculture. But this was not the only reason. After a few months of preparation in '88 where it was decided (in retrospect not to be understood!) one advisor in the form of the then accountant / consultancy firm for both myself, my dad & uncle Dirk. Gerard de Goede had brought in his own advisor. In the end, we agreed. A festive moment that I had been prepared for for 27 years! Then, of course, there will be everything on your plate: valuations of cranes, shovels and accessories. Purchase of company home at workshop on the business because it was still private from uncle Dirk. And moving and living together to my new home. And if it wasn't enough, also get married in that autumn. With a small team of young boys prepared for the first grass harvest under my leadership. For that we needed a shovel and a crane. Bought the shovel in Almelo, the crane at an auction. In addition, I also invested in a mobile phone installation because in my planning there was no one at home. But wanted to be 100% accessible. The 1st year under my leadership went well. We even had a 20% higher turnover in agriculture than in 1988. There was also "hour work" from me to Vicon Nieuw-Vennep where we managed the HP1600 warehouse on the weekends. Customers worldwide called in via modem on a Vicon PC (1st PC experiences!) On the screen we could see the stock and where it was. By car then to Nieuw-Vennep and without guidance order picking and bringing it to Schiphol-Zuid. In addition, we started adapting HP1600 presses for export in Neck.

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