Onbekend Onbekend

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Onbekend Onbekend van JoramH

Onbekend Onbekend | Picture made by JoramH

Tomorrow postma Grijpskerk will bring me my new bale truck. Plan was to pick up myself but what they can deliver for I can't drive back and forth. Better sell some cameras that day. Drawbar is low due to English pick-up hook. This year, less self-silage and more bales made. We now have the cows outside, so silage intake is too low to keep the pit nice and cold. We graze for 120 days and then summer barn feeding (easier with robots, and larger area available) Last year until the end of November we were able to drive and seem easier to make it to November/devember. As a result, we have a short time that we can feed a rich person quickly and hope to be able to absorb that with bales a little easier. With the 710 tires and in wet weather not to load too many bales, I try to save the land a bit. On the wish list is noh a rake with side laying so that the contractor does not have too much over the land in the autumn and to be able to make nice wide wiersen.

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