Schlüter Super E 7200 V

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Schlüter Super E 7200 V van Schluterfan

Schlüter Super E 7200 V | Picture made by Schluterfan

The Little Bear and Stars, you'll find them both in the universe. Sometimes with imagination, sometimes it becomes reality... And see them during the day? Happiness must be on 1 side for a while. That was granted to me and fellow TF'er "MMaarten" one day, when we went on a "bear hunt". My search for Schlüters in Belgium and nowadays also the Netherlands, has been on a good track for several years. For example, almost every year it is possible to find a new one, or one whose track was lost, to find. After a nice tip from trusted circles we found this Super E7200V. This tractor, the existence of which I had known for a long time, was found in Wallonia. Wallonia is a new area for me, of which I am almost certain that this Schlüter is not the only one we will find there... Only the language and the knowledge of people in the other part of Belgium stopped me a bit from going on a search. Fortunately, I can count on people who do know the language to continue the search. And if there is anything else I have learned from years of Schlütersearch? Is that, if you visit enthusiasts / owners, they always have something to say, and in 95% of the cases still have something else exclusively in the house. After all these years, I would almost think that Schlüter attracts all the exclusive and special. This was no different with this Super E7200V. The sympathetic farmer expressed in the little Dutch that he could; "I only use for work". After lunch, the farmer came back... with an MB Trac 1500! When we thank him for the fact that in addition to the Schlüter he also puts the MB Trac to work, he says with a big smile; "well, I actually have 4 MB Trac"... So be continued without doubt...!

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