Deutz F4L514

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Deutz F4L514 van MMaarten

Deutz F4L514 | Picture made by MMaarten

I'm going to the Retro Harvest Day and take it with me.... My whole family in the tractor. We got to know this participant a few years ago during the chopping in 2018. The Marbaix family from Thieusies (Wallonia) was working on their unique Deutz F4L514 and Vigneron silage wagon. The participant sometimes indicated that he might want to ride along on the harvest day. So said so done we gave him the chance to participate. The language was a bit of an obstacle to having a decent conversation, but in the end everything worked out and this beautiful combination could take place next to a Mengele SF 4000. Coincidence or not, but in the earlier years there was just as much a tractor driving around in the Aalter region. Then this dike of a tractor was used by contractor Etienne Busschaert from Aalter. The owner of the land told me that in the past those 12 ha were all smaller blocks of land and on one of those pieces there was chopping with contractor Busschaert. Presumably the then Deutz F4L514 of Busschaert was also in action there. So many years after the date, a similar combination was allowed to set foot on this soil again and history repeats itself back. Tractors and history, it's wonderful to be busy with!

Tractor Battle

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