John Deere 6110RC

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John Deere 6110RC van JD6930

John Deere 6110RC | Picture made by JD6930

Well, sometimes you have those days.... Then you have such a hunch.... That if you... Go into that one company.... You do sometimes find something beautiful... Something special... Something new... A novelty... A Scoop... Can encounter... But then... Then doubt strikes... Would you go in... Or do you cycle on... Yes... You go in anyway... Speaks to a few employees... And walks around... You walk to the shed... Open the door... Goes inside... Walks to a row of tractors.... And what's standing there... Yes, the hunch was right! A John Deere 6110RC! At John Deere dealer of the future: Geert-Jan de Kok Esbeek.

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