Koning Uienplanter

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Koning Uienplanter van PieterA

Koning Uienplanter | Picture made by PieterA

October 13, 2016 Photo of a King bulb planter. We don't start planting tulips before mid-October. If the soil temperature is still too high, you are more likely to have fusarium "acid". Until 2019, we will dip all bulbs with a cocktail of antifungal agents in a submersible container that fits a whole cubic box. After dipping, let them drain over the immersion tray for 40 minutes, so that no agent is lost. So you prefer to do this dipping a little in advance. I usually started at 4 o'clock, so that around 7:30 I had enough boxes ready to start planting. Everything that has been dipped I want to have in the ground the same day. I'm not a fan of leaving wet bulbs overnight. In this photo, the last bulbs of that day are in the planter. They are large bulbs that need to be planted thick. This means that the slide must be opened wide and that a high gear must be engaged. Due to the large acceleration, the V-belt slipped into the drive! I always did plants alone with a camera on the back and all the staff had already gone home (it was 7:45 pm). Then the babysitter called if my son (6) could come to the plot behind the farm to keep the handle of the V-string tight. This is sometimes the case on a family business. The work light on the back provides light on the plant work near the camera. I also sometimes drove with someone on the back, but after I had 4 times that I stopped driving because I saw in the camera that it was poaching and the person on the back had not noticed anything yet, I started planting alone.

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